Student Members Benefits
Who we are and what we do?
- The IIRRT is a charitable body founded in 1996 and is the professional body representing Radiographers and Radiation Therapists in Ireland.
- All Radiographers and Radiation Therapists and students are encouraged to be members of the Institute with numerous member resources on offer.
- Membership of the organisation is not compulsory to work in the Republic of Ireland, as the IIRRT are the professional body and the remit of state registration is that of the Radiographers Board of CORU.
- The IIRRT is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital and is registered with the Company registration office (CRO) in Dublin, Ireland.
The IIRRT Council members are all represented on the following subcommittees in accordance to their specific expertise and skills.
- Professional Development in Advanced Practice Role.
- Professional Education and CPD
- Research and Grants
- PR and Promotion – Professional & Institute
- Website, Resources and Communications
- Professional Standards and best practice guidelines
- Conference
- Student
National Representation
The IIRRT provides representation for radiographers and radiation therapists at various levels. This ensures our profession’s contribution to healthcare is recognised at the highest level.
Some of the boards are listed here:
- HSCP working group on IV administration policy
- HSCP Office advanced practice working group
- HSCP Council of CORU update
- National Radiation Protection Committee
- Medical Exposure to Ionising Radiation Expert Advisory Group
- National Diagnostics Strategy Steering Group
International Representation
- EFRS (European Federation of Radiographer Societies)
- ISRRT (International Society of Radiographers & Radiological Technologists)
- ESTRO (European Society of Radiotherapy & Oncology)
- RTT Alliance membership (ESTRO benefits to RT IIRRT members)
IIRRT Student Member Benefits
- Full access to IIRRT student resources
- IIRRT Student Grants
- IIRRT Guidelines/I-Refer Guidelines
- IIRRT newsletter Radaíocht
- IIRRT patient Information Leaflets
- IIRRT CPD Portfolio -My Rad CPD
- Free IIRRT events
- Access Primal pictures
- Access to Image interpretation Modules including DetectedX