IIRRT Council Statement on Ukranian Situation
Dear IIRRT Member,
On behalf of the IIRRT council, I am writing this statement to join our voice with colleagues worldwide in denouncing the invasion of Ukraine, a soverign nation, by Russia.
For the last two weeks, we have watched in shock as the world’s most recent man-made humanitarian crisis unfolds before us and havoc is wreaked on a population of innocents. As your professional body, we will continue to answer calls to support our Ukranian counterparts wherever we can.
While these events may make us feel humbled, inadequate and small, together we are always stronger. We continue to stand shoulder to shoulder in full support of our Ukranian colleagues here in Ireland and around the world. Our thoughts are also with Russian colleagues who may have family and friends caught up in the crisis and with all the casualties of this ongoing conflict.
Kind Regards,
Jennifer Grehan
Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy