An Introduction to Reflective Practice for HSCPs
An Introduction to Reflective Practice for HSCPs
The IIRRT are delighted to announce the newly designed eLearning Reflective Practice for Health and Social Care Professionals is now available on

This module was co-designed with Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP), Social Care Ireland (SCI) and Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine (ACSLM) who are representatives on the Health and Social Care Professional Development Network.
A big thank to all who contributed – Jemma Kehoe -CPD Officer at ACSLM; Charlotte Burke – CPD coordinator Social Care Ireland SCI; Fran Theron, Professional development coordinator ISCP; Mary Samuel and Nuala Flynn from the National Health and Social Care professional Office.
There are real-life examples from practice for example;
- Carmel O’Shaughnessy, Social Care Work using the Gibbs Framework; Ruth Kilcrawley, Senior Dietitian, taking us around the Rolfe et al Reflective Framework and how if assisted her resolve some of the challenges she was experiencing in her clinical work.
- Sheila Mitchell, Senior OT, aptly expressed her experience of using reflective practice – ‘Training gave me the knowledge but it was RP that enabled me to turn that new knowledge into intervention and resources that would directly benefit my service users’.
- Darren Bourke, Senior Medical Scientist, outlined his experience of using reflective practice, and how his learning and practice has been enhanced while using it.
- Sinead O’Sullivan, Senior Mammographer, gives a short overview of reflective practice in the module of HSCP with experience of reflective practice, before proceeding to show how their was collective sharing and learning for others she works with.
- Grainne Buicke, Senior Vascular Physiologist, talks about how her practice has been informed and enhanced through the use of reflective practice.
- Carmel Halton, Professional Qualified Social Work and Educator, UCC for over 30 years kindly gave her time to provide her experience and academic insight into using reflection, reflexivity; critical thinking in the module named HSCP with experience of reflective practice.
How to access the eLearning Module
- Login to
- In the search toolbarenter Reflective Practice and select search
- Select theReflective Practice Link from the results, and enroll/ launch on the Introduction to Reflective Practice.
(Must complete the first module before accessing the second module for more experienced practitioners)
Module 1 – Introduction to Reflective Practice for HSCP – 75 minutes approximately
Module 2 – HSCP’s experienced in Reflective Practice – 55 minutes approximately
View the first HSCP Reflective Learning video on Vimeo.

Reflective Learning Toolkit Content Table of Contents
- Reflective Journal Overview
- Bains Reflective Learning Model Worksheet
- Gibbs Reflective Learning Model Worksheet
- Kolb Reflective Learning Model Worksheet
- Rolfe Reflective Learning Model Worksheet
- Professional Body Reflective Learning Template from AOTI CPD Portfolio
- Professional Body Reflective Learning Template from INDI CPD portfolio
- Volunteer form Reflective Learning CPD
- Journal Review form Reflective Learning CPD
- Action Learning Handout
- Mapping Workplace Support System for Reflective Learning
- Reflective Learning Video Slides Handout
- HSE HSCP Reflective Practice statement – Oct 2019
- Coru CPD Audit Guidelines
- Coru CPD Record Template