National HSCP Day April 19th 2023

Since the launch of HSCP Deliver, A Strategic Guidance Framework, significant work has continued to strengthen the role of HSCPs across our health service. The impact and value of HSCP for service users/patients and in the delivery of Sláintecare is recognised and there is an appreciation that investment is needed to ensure the supply, capacity and sustainability of the HSCP Workforce. The theme of this year’s National HSCP day was “Moving Forward Together”. Jackie Reed our National HSCP Lead introduces National HSCP day in the video below.
Jackie Reed highlights the HSE recruitment crisis in this video and mentions two key points to points to improve this.
- Increasing our workforce though increasing student numbers and recruiting overseas graduates
- Retain and develop our workforce in terms of working to the top of license (Including Advanced Practice and CPD).
Use the hashtags to find more information on the day- @WeHSCPs #HSCPDay2023 #strongertogether #HSCPDeliver.