About Us

Welcome to the website of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy (IIRRT). This website is intended to be a valuable information resource for both members of the public and of the profession.
The IIRRT was founded in 1996 and is the professional body representing Radiographers and Radiation Therapists in Ireland.
The IIRRT is a charitable body set up to support the science and practice of Radiography and Radiation Therapy. Our activities are directed at essentially improving patient care within healthcare settings by improving education, encouraging research, and producing best practice guidelines. In particular, the IIRRT facilitate continuous professional development of its members and encourage role development to improve patient care and align with service need.
All Radiographers and Radiation Therapists are encouraged to be members of the Institute with numerous benefits on offer as well as gaining full member access to the new website. However, membership of the organisation is not compulsory to work in the Republic of Ireland, as the IIRRT are the professional body and the remit of state registration is that of the Radiographers Board of CORU.
The IIRRT is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital and is registered with the Company registration office (CRO) in Dublin, Ireland.